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    • #87211
      Put the kettle on

      I keep having encounters with people connected to the ex, one minute nice the next aggressive. I’ve been clear and said keep away from me and now they’re spreading rumours about me and making me out to be horrible and a liar. It’s awful, I just want to be left alone and rebuild myself and my life. How do you handle them when they won’t leave you alone? I’m expecting I’m going to lose the few friends I have due to their lies and sympathy seeking/making me out as a bad person

    • #87223

      Hold your head high and ignore them. If you lose friends then they were never true friends in the first place. You owe no one an explanation. They will discover his true self in time. Move on with a different circle of friends. Try some new clubs or hobbies.

    • #87481

      Hi Put the kettle on
      KIP is right these people should trust you if they’re you true friends and you’ll learn who is and isn’t throughout this horrible process unfortunately! You know these rumours aren’t true and the lies that have been spread and as my mam always used to say if you know the truth and family that loves you that’s all that matters!! Don’t feel alone because of these horrible rumours we are all here for you and the people in your life who love you will be too!
      Don’t let them drag you down, keep talking and keep activate
      lots of love
      lostgal xox

    • #87498

      It’s an opportunity to clear up ur whole life, reassess all the people in ur life. Those you speak off can go! You’re wiser now and a new person, so get new wiser friends. Fresh start all round.
      Remove anything negative that grabs you down, you don’t need nor have to have that in your life.

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