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    • #124596
      Living Warrior

      this is a post for those who are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks and such, i am writing this hoping what helps me, may help others 🙂
      first a little back ground.
      i suffer with anxiety and panic attacks, which got extremely worse once i left.
      i passed out at my childrens school, had anxiety attack in a supermarket when i didnt know which bread to buy… iv had lots of them over “silly” things. They are few now, and i can recognise my own “triggers”
      my chest tightens, i feel hot and sweaty, but dont actually sweat. ive felt dizzy. felt like im being watched, like im not safe. my body shakes, my mouth goes dry. my eyes scan EVERYWHERE and flick over everything. i breathe faster..

      now all those things dont always happen, sometimes its one or two.. sometimes more…
      but i found things to “ground” me..
      when i notice it happening ( usually if im going somewhere iv never been, or somewhere i know he goes)
      i use mints to ground me, i suck them and the minty flavour grounds my senses and helps me focus.
      that is one that i still use now because its the one which helps me most.

      always make sure you are safe, if you know that you are safe yet you “feel” an anxiety attack for a silly reason try these..

      taking slow/deep breaths focus on anything else… try reciting the alphabet in your head as you breathe.
      if your mind is focussed on something else its harder to lose control.
      in severe attacks i recited times tables (as its harder and takes more focus)

      have something in your pocket, a pebble or something to squeeze… think about how it feels.
      tell yourself you are safe and this is normal.
      be kind to yourself, if you are having a bad day, dont force yourself to do extra things.
      but on those good days try to push yourself a little so you dont get scared of doing or going new things/places.

      these all helped me, aswell as listening to music. take your earbuds with you use one to listen to music.. dont wear two, as you wouldnt hear a danger.

      also i found some of these guides helpful.

      i do hope that these things help you too, if anyone has any other things that help them please feel free to add them. 🙂 thank you.

    • #124605

      Hi Living Warrior,

      Thank you for this.

      I’ve only ever had 4 attacks (3 of them triggered by a friend who I have now dropped).

      Thankfully, they have all happened in my own home but they are really debilitating and leave me curled up on the floor, usually next to a bin that I’ve crawled to incase I’m sick.

      If I have another and I can think clearly enough to remember these ideas, I’ll give them a go. xx

    • #124640

      I had minor panic attacks right after my relationship and getting out for a walk or in nature really helps. And as you mention, practicing mindfulness is so helpful!

    • #124645
      Living Warrior

      I’m glad this post helps. and acknowledges that you are not alone.

    • #124650

      Thank you liveing warrior
      For your advice I suffer with panic attacks
      Pulplations every single day it’s a horrible feeling in the world I play music to get things
      Of my mind it dont always work I try to go for walks I am going thought a bad stage of breakdowns
      Not even my partner nows about it . I am feeling on the edge more so this week so much is geting me down that I feel exhausted.i even have pulplations when I try and sleep when i do fall to sleep I jump out of my skin and I feel like someone punch me in the heart its horrible haveing to suffer in this way sometimes I get pulplations thinking what will my parnter say or do and feeling on egg shells like waiting for my partner to be abusive again. When feeling like this its really hard to focus on positive things .

      I will read your helpful guide about anxiety thank you for careing and being helpful bless you

    • #124663
      Living Warrior

      Hi hun, you are so welcome.
      I totally understand how you feel. The last couple weeks have been hard for me too, even though I’m out, he continues his harrassment through family court.
      I find these times make my anxiety worse than ever.
      I’m a very strong woman, but I really feel broken atm. I give my advice because it’s how I have managed so far, but I too still have s**t days… more so with lock downs etc. Even the strongest in us have our down days. 🙁
      People tell me not to let it get me down. But we all know that is so hard when it’s relentless. Just be kind to yourself and know the sunshine will always come after the rain 🙂

      We are all here for you.

    • #126805
      Living Warrior

      Keep strong! If you have any advice or need any advice about panic attacks or anxiety, feel free to post here 🙂

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