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    • #145642

      Evening guys, I hope your all doing ok.

      I need to try and talk this through. I’ve just seen him with someone else, why do I feel sick?

      I left, I reported it, I told the police, yet I’m feeling gutted over it? Guilty over it and for doing it? Why do I miss him after it all? Why do I still love him after everything he’s done? Or is/was it love?

      I don’t know how I should feel, I just feel confused.


    • #145646

      Hello, don’t be too hard on yourself there’s several reasons you miss him. You miss the lovebombing & good times, you miss the future he promised you and the hopes of what could’ve been, you are trauma bonded to him, your body got addicted to the chemicals released during the highs and lows and seeing him would’ve triggered this. Seeing him with someone new just reminds you of all the good, but remember at some point she’ll see the bad too.

      Today I’ve majorly missed my ex, it sucks doesn’t it but it doesn’t last and we made the right decision getting out. Hang in there x*x

      • #145667

        Thank you for your reply. This helps a lot.

        It’s all hard to get your head around and understand but one step at a time I guess.

        It really does suck and I’m sorry you’ve had to battle those feelings too. Your doing amazing and well done for getting out! None of it is easy! Hang in there too.

        Sending love ❤️

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