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    • #171862

      I need help and support to get away from him

    • #171867

      Hi hazydays I hope you are ok. Message me anytime., I’m here to listen if u need to talk.  I understand this feeling iv recently reached out to my local woman’s aid and housing association although I’m still not out it felt so good just reaching out and knowing I have options, u do too.  Stay strong xx

      • #171872

        Thankyou and bless you Better-days,  for your support help advice and your kindly offering me to message you anytime. I am grateful for that kindness as I am to nbumblebee also who responded to my cry for help here too. I mention her because I forgot to thank her too, for her kindness. Thankyou nbumblebee!  if you see this?

        Back to you now Better-days  I hope you are OK too, I did manage to get away from home for a couple of hours yesterday after posting here. I hope you are able to find some escape  too ? when you need it. Having a chance to find some calm place and someone to talk to in the hope of being supported or being listened to and having your suffering acknowledged, gaining confidence and belief in help to resolve all for a better life is what is needed badly! at times isnt it. I was able to get to a friend who knows already what’s what in my life but unable to change things for me, I know that! but having no other support outside of here she was a help of sorts?… what happened? Well.. she is (detail removed by moderator) who tried to exercise her skills using CBT techniques on me but it wasn’t any good I’ve worked it out already, it’s my husband who needs that to change himself into a better person.

        I will have to apply CBT techniques to move forward with my thinking though to escape and recover I’m sure, because of being affected by all of his Sh..! The options you mention sound intriguingly optimistic! I’ll be in touch soon. You stay strong too xx


    • #171868

      Hey hazy-days. Its ok we are here to support where we can sweetie.

      Can you contact womans aid? Look online maybe they have an email if talking on the chat is too dangerous you can set up a new email dont keep it logged in and he wont ever see.

      You could go and see your gp talk to them or samaratins they cojld maybe signpost you somewhere.

      There is help out there we just have to be brave enough to go and seek it. None of this is easy none of it but sadly we are the only ones that can be a hero and rescue ourselves.

      My Pm is always open if you need to talk. Take care of you xxxx

      • #171870

        Thankyou and bless you nbumblebee, I am very grateful for your support  help advice. Plus the offer of PMing you anytime. I will thankyou.

        I do of course realise that anything shared here on the forum is helpful to others here in similar suffering. So I will just say now…what we as victims all know and understand here about abuse and control from partners/others, is sooo…undenyably HORRIBLE !


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