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    • #128492

      i don’t know what to do . my dad is seriously upping his game . not only is the verbal abuse getting more severe but he is being a lot more violent with me . i think it might be because i’m moving out  (detail removed by moderator) but this is so hard. i have no escape from it and it is constant. i am so exhausted and am lost at what to do . i’m so terrified every minute i’m in this house and i can’t carry on like this
      his words and actions stick so hard and it doesn’t matter how many times i’m told that the abuse he’s throwing is inaccurate i can’t help but overthink it beyond belief . i’m having multiple panic attacks because of the things he’s saying and doing to me . i cannot cope with it . my mum is not getting involved and she just ignores me and there is no love in this house . my parents are trying to sell our house and the sale has(detail removed by moderator) and i am so so so scared because i know it’s only going to get worse and i don’t have the strength to deal with it

    • #128496

      You need to ring women’s aid and try to get a refuge place and also call the police. His behaviour is dangerous and illegal. It’s escalating which is a huge red flag for homicide and your mum is no help. You need outside help here.

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