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    • #6872

      (detail removed by moderator) one of the hardest things I have done I gave evidence about my husband (detail removed by moderator) I managed by the grace of God to keep myself together, and got a GUILTY verdict!(detail removed by moderator). Now have to wait for sentencing. Thank you for all your support and happy new year!

    • #6873

      Well done, brave, strong you,
      What a horrible and scary end of the year you had,
      Your part is now over there, I hope you can now rest and pamper yourself to get the adrenaline that must have been sky high to slow down,
      What a lovely first post to see this year, the start of many for us all here I hope,
      Sending you a much earned, well deserved hug,
      X x x

    • #6896

      Ditto – mine GUILTY too – awaiting sentencing too. Power to your elbow👏👏👍👍

    • #6899
      Falling Skys

      Well done, I will be pressing charges when I’m in a safe place. I don’t know how far it will go but I need closure for the assaults. I’m scared but the silence is destroying me.

    • #6902

      Hi Falling Skys, at the very least the police will have your statement and he will be on their radar! It may help other victims and should show up under Claire’s law.

    • #6906

      (detail removed by moderator)

    • #6909

      I read an article recently about if they appeal after sentencing they can be released on bail till it’s heard in a higher court. Better not post anything else about court cases on here. For your own safety. PM me😃

    • #6916

      Mine wasn’t in court for a crime as such- but in 2015 I managed to get a non-mol and injunction against him, despite him feigning innocence, plusI exposed all his financial lies and his plan to gain loads of money Andrea e me penniless failed dismally!

      I brought an actual witness to court with me who could prove his lies- and the coward backed down!

      There were times I felt like giving up- but I kept going.

      My kids are well and doing ok. They are happy, have friends and are achieving.

      His plan to turn them against me failed too.

      Note, however- when I was at my lowest, there were times he seemed to be winning. My kids were, at moments, fooled by him. As soon as I made fear my enemy and realised that my fear is what fed him, I think his power began to lose its grip.

      Emotion and fear is our enemy in this specific situation. My wise DV leader told me this. Your abuser will use both against you, to weaken you and make you out to look the unstable one.

    • #7093

      Well done Hun , standing up to these evil men gives such a strong message and encouragement to us ladies still battling , so proud of u x*x hope u get closure u deserve

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