When I’m alone, do speak to me.
Tell me my days will be happy.
When my head gets full of doubt, reason with me.
Look at me and comfort me.
Show me flowers, smiles, skys and beauty.
Build a wall of protection for my large family.
Don’t let him enter my head and depress me.
Give me wisdom and strength to fight abuse.
Allow me health to keep looking forward.
Don’t allow negativity to permeate me.
Be my friend, my rock, my true reflection.
Allow me to be me, finally.
Tell me the nightmare is over.
Reassure me I can rebuild trust in myself.
Sing or whistle the songs he stopped me listening to.
Tell me the words he never said to me.
Let me grow old peacefully.
Smile and laugh at me.
Tell me I have inner beauty.
Tell me my children always loved me.
Tell me my children never hated me.
Speak words I had forgotten to pronounce.
Never repeat the bad history.
Make me realise I did my best
To survive what he did to my family and me.
Mirror mirror on MY wall,
Show me hope for my children and me.