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    • #61585

      My poor little girl must be so messed up in her head. She came back from dad’s and told her brother that daddy said he is going to kill the cat. My son was of course fuming and messaged dad. Dad said it isn’t true. So now my daughter has said she made it up because she is feeling sad about having to go to dad’s for longer periods of time. I really believed her and though there’s no way a little girl could make something like that up. I’m heartbroken

    • #61613

      My ex used to hurt my pet and other animals and it’s a very well known thing for abusers to do. My first thought was thats exactly what my ex would have said. Abuser are pathological liars and youre taking the word of an abuser over your child x please be careful of their mind games x

    • #61615

      can you get your cat back.
      Same happened to us. My daughter rescured it.
      all best

    • #61629

      I had the school support lady talk with her and she said she made it up. The woman said she dontnseem like a child that is sad or upset to see her dad. She told her she dies like to see daddy. I don’t know anymore. I feel like my own head is becoming messed up. When I see my child going to her dad she don’t look like a happy child. She tells me she don’t like going especially when it comes to the long weekend a month. She used to be excited until he got 50 50 care and now she has changed so much. But like everyone keeps telling me children say things to each parent

    • #61630

      FTC I would love the cat back but my landlord won’t allow animals. He wouldn’t give her back anyway

    • #61632

      This is going to sound really weird but I am sure WA had an organisation specially for pets or a scheme so that women who have experienced with DA can have their pets looked after, anyone know WA?hu

      • #61662
        Main Moderator


        The RSPCA Pet Retreat can offer temporary pet fostering but it depends on location. Your local support group may have links or the 24hr National Domestic Violence Helpline (0808 2000 247) will be able to search locally if this was an option you wanted to explore.

        Best wishes,


    • #61657

      You know your child. What does your mother’s instinct tell you x

    • #61695

      Everything inside me is telling me there is something to what she said. It’s a huge thing for such a little person to make up. It’s something he would do to make his son see him. The school have spoken to her and they said theynagree it’s a adult thing for her to say but they think she has made it up. I don’t know anymore. I never have anything to back anything up.
      She clearly is not happy since cafcass changed the routine. She says she likes to see dad but don’t like sleeping there all the time. She said she misses being with her brothers.

    • #62064

      It does sounds an adult thing to say??how old is she if you’re allowed to say?? My little girl lied about where her and brother were sleeping at dads, said she didn’t want me to be upset. I hate that she’s having to try protect me and feeling she has to lie.
      Don’t know what to suggest to find out the truth. I’ve spoken to my daughter about it being so important to always tell the truth and not worry about people being cross but it’s so hard to know what they’re being told by these manipulators

    • #62087

      Maybe the school don’t understand abusers very well and can’t imagine a grown man/father saying that to his child. It sounds like an odd thing for a child to lie about something that is quite dark. If she didn’t want to go, then maybe she would have made something else up? She sounds a little bit frightened. Sorry, this must be really upsetting for you x

    • #62442

      Sorry I haven’t been on for a while. It is a odd thing to make up and I know abuses are known to use animals etc or just things kids love to get a reaction. He knows my son loves the cat and I believe he said something to her hoping my son would decide to go see him.

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