I’m several months free from my situation but it’s still a journey.
Am finally nearing my relocation date and iim packing up my things ready to move. I’m really excited and yet am having a total wobble today.
have found important items from 2 partners ago that need to be returned so I’m going to need to do that in the next week or so. That will be hard as that was a great person and I was really sad that ended. The stupidest one is I am rehoming my childhood toys and that I’m finding so hard. I haven’t looked at them in 10 years so really it’s time.
Maybe it’s because this whole process of separating from my abusive partner and getting to the point of moving has been so long that now it’s near the end the whole lot, including the trauma stuff from that is now hitting. No idea.
just a random vent – it’s been an interesting time to sit and reflect on things.