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    • #58775

      Hi ladies .Hope your all safe doing ok ? I was talking to my eldest son recently I have two boys .He asked me Will his dad great his baby girl any different to him brother ? At moment my Ex daughter is apple of his eye etc his girlfriend gushes he’s the best dad in the world he’s going to protect her etc .My Ex has a grown up daughter which he has never bothered with .With our sons in early days they were his life do anything for them world never let them down .Fast forward few years were no longer together due to his abusive behaviour .He hardly sees his sons unless it’s at a nice public event where the public can see him .He has literally abandoned really .So weather you have a son daughter these men will continue to He Abusive ? The other thing noticed his girlfriend has always been blonde size (Detail removed by moderator) .I bumped into recently I hardly recognised her she’s died her hair dark about size (Detail removed by moderator) .( he’d always go on to me ideal women is dark skinny ) .Its like his girlfriend has turned into his ideal woman looks wise .Am I looking to much into it ? X

    • #58776

      Hi. Mine has no value for, shows no respect for, and hates females. He treated my daughter like c**p and kicked her out of my house. He never paid a bit of attention to my step daughter until she was about to get an inheritence from her mother’s death. The two twin boys are gold cause he believes he is somehow a special man better than all others because he produced twins. He has no patience with my youngest step son, would put him in a room for hours as punishment if he did anything wrong, he doesn’t like him because he favors and loves his mom so much. I know what you mean by in the public, it’s a totally different person….fake,fake, fake. I’m going to pretend I’m such a great Dad. So I don’t look bad and get everything I want for me.

      No your not reading to much into it. It is about control. And he has her under. She will sacrifice herself trying to please his every whim under the control, psychological, and emotional abuse. It sounds like he is making his own (Detail removed by moderator), people are puppets to abusers. (Detail removed by moderator)


    • #58787

      Thank you for your reply Chickdee.Thinking back my Ex husband on timrs was very anti women .I think Weather they have sons daughters they are still the same person .Fullon to start with when going gets tough is true colours come out .As for the transformation with his current girlfriend no supprise .In his on Sly way he is moulding her to what he wants in a girlfriend x

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