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    • #169409

      Has anyone ever been stuck with their controlling partner purely for the sake of their children ? I know many would say if the relationship is toxic etc that it’s best for the children that they are separated BUT how about when you’ve tried to separate but it caused so much upheaval and stress that it ends up being the only option to stay

    • #169438

      Yes, I stuck with my partner for the sake of the children. In hindesight it was a terrible mistake. He controlled so much of their lives to the extent that they both landed in adult life with GCSEs, A Levels and degrees that they didn’t want and not a clue what they wanted to do with their lives. My eldest was suicidal at one point. My youngest still has panic attacks.

      If I had my time again I hope I’d understand what was happening abit better and get my kids out of there.

    • #169450

      I have done a good bit of research on this and asked 3 psychologists who all said the same thing.

      If they had to choose between living with someone who has abusive tendencies or else dealing with parental separation and all the stress that goes with that, they would choose separation.

      That being said, I know what you mean about the upheaval and stress. Since I’ve told my husband about leaving, it had been painful.

      I even told him I would give it another shot but secretly have kept planning to leave. I couldn’t pretend for longer than (detail removed by Moderator) weeks but the (detail removed by Moderator) weeks were nice.

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