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    • #13356

      so on (removed by moderator) ex s in law gave me two missed call, i was double minded whether to pick up, on third attempt i answered but for some reason i couldnt hear her and she couldnt hear me. I thought call back and see what she wanted, stupid of me i should of never bothered but i did, and she didnt even pick up, felt so stupid after. just text then had 2 missed call of u , take it was by accident. How rude of her didnt even reply back.they really know how to wind you up. My ex also callled (removed by moderator) , again left message on v m, but for once wasnt rude, just kept apoligizing for his behaviour towards me . Trust them to realize when its too late, what was upsetting though was i think he was drunk, i just kept thinking why did u have to try kill me , i know when i got in, he had called the landline and was speaking to my dad, i didnt bother asking what he said , my dad reaction made me laugh , he asked me to leave the room while he was chatting to him, he didnt even tell me it was ex on phone but you just know when u can hear flow of conversation….

    • #13358

      I hate what these men do to good, ethical kind-hearted women like us. He’s not sorry, just sorry that you got away so he feels he isn’t able to abuse/control you.

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