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    • #47792

      Partner received paperwork today regarding the above? what on earth is he thinking, im not signing the property over to him, is this just another tactic?

    • #47795

      Nothing is beyond them, that is my experience.
      Do not agree to anything you are not happy with.
      Fight for every penny.

    • #47827

      I totally agree with Ayanna,
      My ex played many dirty tricks, he withdrew thousands from our joint account (I didn’t have access to it) my sister took me to the bank, he was transferring money to a new account he opened after I left.
      He still denies it even though I have all the bank details, printed off, black and white.
      Too many to mention, all the dirty tricks.

      What I find is when they lose control, they try to find other ways to control us, it is difficult to stay one step ahead of the manipulator because we don’t have that mindset.
      Take care xx

    • #47831

      Pathalogical liars. Let ur lawyer deal with him x

    • #47832

      You do know it doesn’t matter what they do there’s a paper trail. Lawyer will sort this out

    • #47833

      This is going to be a long process and he is going to mess with your head if you let him. The lies and gaslighting and manipulation that happened when you were together….. same old same old. Only this time on paper. The solicitor letters were not worth the paper they were written on. You need to pace yourself and not panic or overreact each time because his game is to keep upsetting you x

    • #47839

      Well to be honest I kinda guessed this was coming because a few weeks ago he said he wanted me to buy the car and then said he wanted the mortgage in his name and i thought back then i bet he will blackmail me with the car and when I said i am not signing anything he said give me the car keys , roll my eyes!!!

      If i sign that then he could make me homeless does he seriously think I am stupid??? he wants to do it in next couple of weeks, i’m going to bide my time now… contacted the mortgage co. to tell them I haven’t and will not be signing anything just so they know …. what is his problem?

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