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    • #38414

      I emailed my local WA today because I’m at the end of my tether and can’t see a way for my future. I’m hoping to sit down go over my whole situation from day 1. Does anyone know if they are supportive and helpful? I’ve tried it on my own and went back I need that person to tell me what to do for the best. Friends don’t understand they just say “leave and take the children with you, simple”. They don’t get that at that point my life is in danger ans family just worry too much.

    • #38416

      Have you phoned WA up they are very helpful .also victim support are great too they will help you be safe

    • #38418

      Yes i had a womens aid support worker and she was fantastic. She didnt pressure me into doing anything. She listened and calmly explained my options. They have access to many more services. Can help with legal issues, advise on restraining orders, refuge places, safetly exit plans, exclusion orders so that you can remain in your own home, finances and emotional and mental support. Can go with you to speak to the domestic abuse police or free legal advice. Please keep trying. They really do understand and do not judge. There are books and courses they can supply to help you hnderstand the dynamics of abuse. Best help i ever had. They are very busy so call your local one right away as there was a short waiting list with mine and my worker had 24 women on her books x

    • #38419

      Thank you I have rang them today and someone is ringing me tomorrow to arrange a meeting.

    • #38778

      I had one and have nothing but praise and respect for them, they were the only service that hasnt let me down at all x

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