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    • #44589

      I know a couple of us on here have ptsd / complex-ptsd.

      Can we have a support thread for that?

      Does anyone else suffer with bruxism and generally tense muscles?

      My c-ptsd cause the usual round of flashbacks, nightmares, hyper vigilance, and so on, but also permanently tense muscles all over my body, and very tense jaw, I grind my teeth in my sleep (bruxism) and also chew my tongue – does anyone else do this and are there any ways in which you’ve found help ease the symptoms?

      I can’t get a mouth guard as having foreign objects in my mouth is very triggering unfortunately.

      Thank you – LBP xx

    • #44590

      Hey there, i was given a relaxation cd where you concentrate on the muscle groups individually from feet up. Tensing and squeezing, holding, then releasing while recognising the tension how it feels before and after. Its a kind of hypnosis. I found it really helped with the sore shoulders chest and neck I had for years. I used to bite my arm in my sleep. Dont know how i didnt usually wake myself up but used to find bite marks in the same place on my wrist. That seems to have passed now so maybe its just a matter of time? Hang in there and keep being kind to yourself x

    • #44591
      Peaceful Pig

      Hi LBP, I suffered with c-ptsd for a large part of my life but have been virtually free of symptoms for around a year now. I get triggers but am able to control things pretty quickly and I no longer have nightmares or flashbacks. I no longer find myself jumpy or totally freaking out at a sudden noise or unexpected touch. I would also grind my teeth due to tension and anxiety. I don’t know if it would help you prevent the bruxism, but I used to do a 15 minute online yoga for trauma session every evening. It helped me to feel more aware of my body and the sensations I felt, it reset my system back to the parasympathetic nervous system and helped me feel safe in the moment. I wonder if doing this before bed would perhaps release some of the muscle tension? Hope it helps xx

    • #44592

      I was diagnosed with ptsd but I feel i have lived with it from a very young age

      My ex used my past against me in emotional abuse
      He made me sicker.. i cant walk very far ..without my muscles in my legs going tight

      Also i have neck arm pain due

      Iam.very hypervigilant when I go out the house

    • #44601


      I used to grind my teeth in my sleep due to anxiety. My teeth were so painful, I thought I had some terrible infection. The dentist suggested it was caused by grinding.

      My PTSD is improving. I would say it’s 50% better. Time does heal. It’s important to keep on doing the things that relax you regularly. Those things will be different for different people.

    • #44605

      Hi LBP bruxism…I have it bad…actually have broke a dental bridge and suffering with that ++anxiety )now I’m told it will cost 2 k for implants ( can’t afford…What’s worse is all these symptoms, are constant reminders.

      Terrible neck tension Headaches are scary topped off with’s a hang up from him, I used to sleep on the edge of the bed and had jaw tension &hip pain from being so tense..even breathing weird.
      I got 2 frozen shoulders (1 after the other) unbelievable pain…and tinnitus…all from anxiety…sometimes I feel so weary…basically just worn out.

      Physical + being emotionally fragile Goodness knows how we keep going hey!


    • #44611

      I have fibromyalgia and IBS from all the abuse. My jaws are destroyed from abuse. I am hypervigilant and see most people as my enemies.
      I have become worse with self care since the beginning of this year, which means I only leave the house for work and do not look after myself properly.
      I have no idea whether any of my issues will ever improve.
      I have started therapy recently and that grey cloud in my head has become thicker since then.

    • #44618

      I have PTSD symptoms and my dentist sent me off to the dental hospital for problems with my jaw, the surgeon thinks I grind my teeth and said the muscles in my head are very tight. He wants me to wear a mouth guard but I had one fitted and it’s so uncomfortable! I have daily aches and pains, yoga helps a lot but I have to do it daily feels like a bit of a struggle as when I’m tired and achy I just want to lie down.

    • #44635

      really interesting post. I have been grinding my teeth for years and never questioned why until now.

      • #44637

        Yes, me too – never thought it could be connected to the abuse! I also had really bad headaches connected to muscle tension in neck and shoulders that were only helped by repeated chiropractic treatments(I can’t afford it now). Will have a go at yoga.

    • #44653

      Hi Relieved – me too with the chiropractic treatment. My chiro recommended yoga to me and since doing that i have been so much better. I really hope you get great results too!
      Mindfullness is great too – like the headspace app

    • #44957

      Sorry – I’ve been away from the site a while!

      It’s staggering seeing how many of you suffer the same problems!

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