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    • #19731

      The condition to receive counseling from the mental health service is to take mind altering drugs.
      They must have a lucrative business with the pharma companies.
      I am not taking this sh…, no way.
      I do not need it.
      They can swallow that stuff themselves.
      In the N**i concentration camps they force medicated innocent people too. They ruined them deliberately.
      I can see parallels.

      I have a free will and I have a right to say NO. That does not apply for the mental health service. N**i methods …

    • #19732

      Ignorant doctors pumped me full of anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs which made it easier for him to abuse me. Not one ever mentioned the words ‘domestic abuse’. I didn’t know I was being abused. I thought his behaviour was caused by me! Not giving him enough sex, not being a good enough wife, not getting to lock myself in my bedroom before he caught me! His alcohol intake. It never ever occurred to me that my own husband would choose to deliberately abuse me. Earth shattering when I realised. When Women’s Aid had the courage and guts to tell me straight. One doctor who I told I was scared of my husband told me to try relate! Ignorant people need training and awareness x

    • #19736

      Ayanna I totally agree with you. Everyone’s answer to problems these days are medication which makes you feel numb. As if all that would sort out your problems. I am sure they are not allowed to force you to take medication. Tell them you request different types of treatment, other than medication, or have you considered getting a second opinion?

      I do hope you get it sorted and I am thinking of you xox

    • #19743

      It’s not the mental health service you need counselling from its a dv/da specialist organisation.

      Many NHS workers are not trained in domestic abuse.

    • #19744

      The drugs numb your responses, therefore they consider you cured without the counselling, stick to your guns and do not let them drug you x

    • #19746

      SaharaD, you are not fully informed. The NHS has shiploads of counselors and therapists and I know a victim of terrible abuse who receives lifelong counseling from the NHS.
      But their condition is to take drugs.

    • #19749

      How awful that they expect you to take drugs in order to get councelling, how corrupt, why dont you except them and not take them if that is the only way to get councelling, beat the system that way, when they see if they are helping say no they arnt , its not lying they just arnt working because you havnt taken them ! some Doctors think they are God. When a phyciatrist saw my Husband 18months ago he offered him councelling but sadi he would have a wait but he also gave him drugs xx

    • #19761

      I wait until this palaver with these doctors is finished. If I do not like what they offer me I look for help somewhere else.

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