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    • #171003
      Heartbroken girl

      I am really struggling at the minute, I found out my partner has been having an affair for (detail removed by moderator) I had a gut feeling for ages but was told I was being stupid!
      I have had a really awful year so far, menopause, awful time at work and now this.
      I live (detail removed by moderator) away from my family too so that’s hard.
      Thing is my partner lies all the time and always has done, he will go in a mood if I visit my family and will often give me the silent treatment over anything.
      since the affair came out they are obsessed as to why they were dumped etc (detail removed by moderator)
      I wish I didn’t have any feelings for him and I could just leave. I also have  a stepchild which I adore and is with us half of the time so I would be saying bye to them too which breaks my heart!
      I just don’t know what to do!
      I am back at work soon ( a new job) and I am absolutely dreading it!

    • #171007

      Hi things have been hard…but don’t force yourself to do anything, just go with the flow and follow your heart. Leaving is hard, so if you’re not ready yet have you considered reaching out to family and friends, so at least you’ve a supporting network which can make things easier. Human beings are interesting, we can’t stop loving then person even they hurt us badly, but it’s okay, it’s okay to struggle and feel sad. Just be patient and find your own way, you’ll be fine, dont be hard to yourself. my dm is open if you want to chat x

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