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    • #9990
      Tough Cookie

      I feel like I should get a special certificate for managing to register again with the same name and navigating my way round this new forum. I feel a bit sad that the old forum has gone – it (and my lovely friends on there) saved my sanity. I am doing really well (the wonderful peace and quiet of a restraining order cannot be underestimated) but I just like to know he forum is here if I need it. I’d love to here from any old names on here and hopefully hear that life is treating you more kindly these days X

    • #9999

      Hi Tough Cookie,

      I am a member of the old forum but don’t recognise your name.

      Congrats for logging in and managing to navigate. Xxxxx

    • #10005
      Main Moderator

      Hi Tough Cookie, good to have you back with us. Well done for cracking the new system!

      Best wishes


    • #10006
      Tough Cookie

      Thank you thank you Lisa – all congratulations gratefully received.

      Hi Serenity, I think you may have joined just as I was fading out…I am an old old member ๐Ÿ™‚

      I was here at the same time as Karma, Head Cook, HowmadamI, Eliza, lil bird and lots more. I am living proof that No Contact can seriously improve your mental health and that of your children ๐Ÿ™‚

      Hope you are all doing well xx

    • #10009
      White Rose

      Hi there tough cookie. I managed to keep my old name too and I think I can just about navigate the new forum but it takes time. Glad things are better than they were!

    • #10050

      Tough Cookie!! I remember you lovely ๐Ÿ™‚ though you may not remember me, glad to hear you’re doing so well! And well done for getting around the new forum, it’s definitely a brain-teaser at first!

    • #10055
      lover of no contact

      Hi Tough Cookie,

      I remember you! Welcome back. I too miss the old Forum but I’m getting used to this one. I too am living proof that No Contact with our abusers can restore us to sanity. I still need this forum as much as ever because my daughter is in the cycle of abuse with my ex-husband. He has upped the ante in his abuse of her (she is a very young adult) as he has lost his primary victim (me) and he has no new girlfriend to abuse, so he’s abusing our daughter badly.

      Anyway I remember your posts and your sense of humour always helped me a lot. So keep posting with your humorous slant on situations. I found humour helped dispel sometimes my fear of my abuser.

    • #10069

      Ah, the lovely tough cookie, who could also come up with the right words to make us laugh through our tears,
      Welcome from me too,
      Daisy ne M.J as short logins not accepted, so I had to change.
      X x x

    • #10072
      Tough Cookie

      Ahhh how lovely! I remember you all and yes you are right – I dearly love a laugh. I do think looking for the ridiculousness in the things they do and laughing at them takes a little bit of their power away.

      I have been in no contact for two years thanks to a restraining order and at first it was like stepping off a roller coaster and I felt like I was still moving and my legs were all wobbly but in time I have grown to love my drama free life. I am extremely lucky (if accidentally being conned into marrying a mind bending control freak posing a life partner can be said to ever be lucky..) because he failed to attend the last court appearance for contact and so the children don’t see him (I suspect he had linked up with Tough Cookie Mark 2 by then and didn’t want any pesky kids turning up and knocking his great romance of course with anything inconvenient like the truth…) anyway…whatever the reason…. The kids and I are free to just be. The restraining order expired a little while ago and so I guess I am just a little jumpy in case he decides to start up again.

      Lover of no contact – I feel for your daughter. It is very hard because of course they love their dads. Mine pushed it too far and hurt her very badly but it worked out better in the long run as she has refused to entertain any of his nonsense since – I hope your daughter can see through it too.

      Big love to all my forum friends x*x

    • #10081
      mixed-up mum

      Hiya Tough Cookie – I was a member of the old forum – don’t know if we ever chatted???
      I do remember Eliza, we used to chat – I wonder if she is on here and had to change her name? Wonder how she is doing?

      It’s good to hear you are doing so well – hope it continues.

      This new forum takes a bit of getting used to, but its good once you get up to it. well done for getting back on!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #10088

      Hi tough cookie how are you doing ?? I was here couple of years ago I was already out by the time
      I found this site ,but I used to sit and weep at all the things the ladies on here said weep for them and myself ,still living alone just can’t be with a man as I can’t stand arrogant men ,which in a way says a lot..
      I work now with a guy who can be quite friendly and gives me advice about men ,but then if I say anything he not like he not speak to me for weeks ,he said not all men are the same ,but he is as he twists what I say and turns it back on me ,the reason I not want a man ,I am terrified if I say the wrong thing that he would kick off ,more to do with another bully I dated not my ex

    • #10100
      Tough Cookie

      Hello Mixed up mum and Miss giggypants…great names!

      I would love to know how Eliza is….and Flowerchild? Is she still on here? And Karma? Very wise ladies all of them.

      Miss Giddypants….quite right…keep your distance! Who needs a man who stops talking you you when you say something he doesn’t like?!

      I am now living the life of a nun. Freedom was very hard won for me – I am hanging onto it!

    • #10195

      Hi head cook I thought about you yesterday when I read TC,s post wondered how you are doing as I remember you posting you had got out ,glad your safe and well hasn’t the (removed by moderator) flown ,I was already out by the time I found this site ,I’m still single and never have anything to do with my bullying ex yay !! x

    • #10239
      Tough Cookie

      Hello Ladies – ahh lovely Head Cook – we did have some fun! I am still the nominated driver of my own bus ๐Ÿ™‚

      What a lovely supportive pack we were to each other. Here’s to having nothing at all to do with our bullying exes ๐Ÿ™‚ Go us!

    • #10242

      Karma, pops in now and again TC when she feels up to it,
      Perhaps you could try sending her a private message on here,
      But I haven’t come across flowerchild on the new forum by name or by recognising her unique style and wise words sadly so far
      X x x

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