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    • #13903

      My partner had a go at me last night as he accused me of looking through some letters (detail removed by moderator) I hadn’t. Shouted at me and wouldn’t believe me. This morning accused me again by saying I’d moved his (detail removed by moderator) and he was fed up with other people moving his things. After shouting the house down at 6.30 this morning he found it (detail removed by moderator) Asked him to apologise which he did sarcastically. Then asked me to meet him lunchtime wearing (detail removed by moderator)then said I should give him a bj in the car. I didn’t want to but then he’d say I don’t fancy him. Told him (detail removed by moderator) I was going to leave if he didn’t change but he said don’t bother that he would go, he said that I was hurting him with my comments. If I want a cuddle in bed he automatically puts my hand down there as it makes him feel good. I don’t always want sex just some comfort. If I cry at night he tells me to stop that noise or he will leave. He knows that this would upset me more. He wants sex tonight not sure I’m in the mood, really tired but suppose I’ll have to and wear things he likes or he will get moody and sulk again. Sorry to go on, not sure if any of this is really worth mentioning.

    • #13905

      Hi, I get accused of doing things I havn’t, im told im sneaky. If I ever get any sort of insincere apology its often sarcastic they won’t be fair or just they in their eyes can do no wrong.These abusers can’t stand Women crying they either get angry or mock etc, its classic, the first ever abuse book I read the Lady said we arnt even allowed to cry.
      Re the sexual stuff other ladies on here have suffered this kind of thing, im sure some of them will reply to you, but I will say that you don’y have to so what he wants when he wants, you have a rights to say no, it is sexual abuse.

    • #13914

      Thank you very much for replying. Sometimes I’m so alone think I’m overexagerating and not to be silly. It’s really helpful to know I’m actually not alone. Not sure it’s really sexual abuse as he’s never raped me just seems to be coercion. I’m certainly not in the position some other ladies seem to be in. Says he’s going to be home late as he needs to buy something, probably flowers or something as he thinks this makes up for everything. Have told him I don’t want things just for him to be nice to me. Dreading weekend as his moods will be up and down and the drinking will start again. Just good to be able to get things off my chest as have no one

    • #13925

      He is sexually deranged. Can you not leave him? Why suffer like this? If you can get out do it! No need to stay with such a sick (detail removed by moderator). I could not get out easily, I got injured for live and in the end the police had to pull me out.
      If there is a chance you get out unharmed just leave.

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