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    • #123003
      Daisy Fairydust

      Hi there
      I’m out a wee while now, we’re safe in refuge at the moment. I’m wondering if anyone can recommend any books to read to help with the healing process.

      Thank you

    • #123011

      Hi Fairydust, one of the other ladies recommended Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft to me recently, and I have found it incredibly helpful. It really validated my experiences and made me feel much less alone. Everything started to make sense after reading it.

      I also found Power by Shahida Arabi helpful to my situation.

      I am quite new so I am sure other ladies will have more suggestions.

      Well done for taking the step and I am glad you are safe. Hugs x

    • #123018
      Daisy Fairydust

      Thank you @lifeinterrupted.
      Kids and I are just trying to adjust to our new way of living. We’ve been doing ok but couple of wee obstacles this week so I’ve been a bit all over the place, with yesterday being quite a tough day. What I find difficult is friends seem to have abandoned me, stopped asking how I’m doing, especially as I’ve taken a step back in some of our group chats. There’s just a lack of understanding I think.
      This is a great place for support, massive well done to you for reaching out on here. Domestic abuse leaves your head in a lonely old place even when you’re surrounded by friends and family that don’t know what you’re going through.
      Stay safe.

    • #123026

      Hi my beautiful angel … Daisy Fairydust (I love your username)
      I always recommend Louise Hay … You Can Heal Your Life, you can read it or it is available on audible.
      As much as it is a good thing to have some knowledge on abusers … I think, why waste your time reading about them when you could be learning about and healing yourself!
      Lovely to hear you are safe now
      Sending you love and support
      Darcy xx

    • #123064

      Hello, I’m glad you and your children are safe.
      Healing from hidden abuse by Shannon Thomas is a great book xx

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