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    • #36887

      Feeling broken, I can’t see a way forward.

    • #36889

      I know how that feels.
      Sending you gentle hugs.

      Just carry on.
      Walk through the tunnel.
      This forum will be your light.

      Keep moving. Do not stop. Do one thing at a time, no matter how slow you are.

      Things always get better, because nothing is static.

    • #37106

      me too, completely broken. Am sending you so much love and positive thoughts, we can get through this together, we are so so much better, we deserve better, happiness and joy – life is too precious….she says as she yet again cried herself to sleep – we will get there!

    • #37108

      Hi Ladies,

      I was completely undone like you, and know how you feel. Words can’t describe it.

      Someone told me that if I had the courage to face my pain and work through it with support, I would come out stronger.

      It had been a difficult journey and I still have hard days, but I do know that I possess a strength and a peace that I never had before.

      It’s ironic that by going through the pain instead of avoiding it, you get to that point of strength.

      The basic requirement is to be away from your abuser. All the work can be done afterwards, and the more help you get, the easier it will be. Make sure you don’t make yourself suffer more than you need to by trying to go through it alone- there are systems and good people to help you.

      Hugs X

    • #37110

      Hi Ladies,

      I was completely undone like you, and know how you feel. Words can’t describe it.

      Someone told me that if I had the courage to face my pain and work through it with support, I would come out stronger.

      It has been a difficult journey and I still have hard days, but I do know that I possess a strength and a peace that I never had before.

      It’s ironic that by going through the pain instead of avoiding it, you get to that point of strength.

      The basic requirement is to be away from your abuser. All the work can be done afterwards, and the more help you get, the easier it will be. Make sure you don’t make yourself suffer more than you need to by trying to go through it alone- there are systems and good people to help you.

      Remember, you aren’t defined by one person’s twisted perception of you. Although your pain is overwhelming now, you are not just defined by what happened to you. There is more inside you. When ready, you’ll be able to access that, if not right now.

      The abuser didn’t feel negative feelings about you because there’s something wrong with you: he was abusive because you dared to stand up for your own rights and attempt to be your own person, and didn’t completely succumb to him. He hated your good qualities, because he knew he didn’t have them. They hate anything that’s not about them. They need to be more, and others to be lesser.

      They would be better off never having relationships- because they can’t deliver what they signed up for. They are incapable of being in healthy relationships. But they will never be responsible enough to admit that they are too destructive to be in a relationship.

      You are in very deep pain now, but you still have the ability to care for others, and your future will bring you things which are beautiful and worthwhile.

      “There are stars you haven’t seen
      And loves you haven’t loved
      There’s light you haven’t felt
      And sunrises yet to dawn
      There are dreams you haven’t dreamt
      And days you haven’t lived
      And nights you won’t forget
      And flowers yet to grow
      And there is more to you
      Than you have yet to know.” 💛

      Hugs X

    • #37118

      You can do this i went through this stage . Small steps all the way you will get stronger healing hugs Xx

    • #37134


      I AM are 2 of the most powerful words…
      What comes after, shapes your reality…

      (Inspired by Serenity your a cool lady btw!)

      …feel the love. It will get a bit better…I wish you ladies were my neighbours!
      I think we would support each other in real life like the best of friends.
      Imagine that x

    • #37149

      You will climb out, but for now standing still, as painful and as lost as you are, is exactly where you need to be. Stay with how you feel unless it becomes too distressing – then you really must reach out – maybe call the WA helpline – you wont regret it. Hang on in there Imagine, things will change and keep posting x

    • #37152
      new survivor


      I am sorry that you are feeling like this and sending you huge hugs to help you feel better.

      I wish that we all were neighbours and that we were close by to give the all needed hugs, support and brews to help each other to get through the bad days.

      It will get easier in time. Every day is a battle and you will gain strength as you see how much you have done.

      I find it a struggle every day to get up and function at the moment and to see the light at the end of the tunnel but there is something that makes me get up everyday and to go to work as hard as that is.

      You will get there and you have a lot of strength in you to have got this far.

      We are all here for you and sending you lots of love and hugs


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