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    • #14555
      Peaceful Pig

      Hi, I’ve not been on here too much lately, but I just wanted to pass on some information, with hindsight, in the hope it may save someone from some of the distress that was caused to me.
      Lisa, I hope it is OK to discuss this as some of it relates to proceedings that ended months ago and some not relating to any actual specific cases, but just information I’ve been informed about. I understand if you feel it necessary to remove it though.
      When obtaining information for court reports it seems that social workers can use everything you tell them and share that in the court arena, which includes our perpetrators. Maybe this is obvious to some, but I expected (perhaps naively) that the information would be analysed and used safely and proportionately, not quoted verbatim. This seems to be regardless of any risks it may pose. I’m not for a second suggesting that anyone should be dishonest or withold important, relevant information, but we need to know our rights so that we can make informed decisions about sensitive disclosures. If I had been properly, explicitly informed of the use of, and sharing of, such information I would have considered the wording and details much more carefully and sought advice and advocacy. I should point out that the information I’m alluding to was historical and had no bearing on the situation with my ex. Unfortunately many professionals can’t be relied upon to follow good practice.
      In a simiar vein, I also learned recently that information has to legally be shared with the defence but the defence does not have to legally share information with the prosecution. How can that be right? As they say ‘the law is an a*s’.
      I wish you all well at whatever point you are at. I hope that’s of some help, though it may well be that I am just as gullible as my ex always said I was. It’s another lesson in boundaries at least.
      PP xx

    • #14561

      I fully agree with what you say. That was my experience too. On several occasions I had the impression that the perpetrator was put into an advantaged situation compared to myself.
      As the victim, I felt unsupported most of the time.
      Michael Gove, the treatment of victims is a shame!!!

    • #14601

      I also found, not all mind you, but some social services can come to you with a addenda and they will use whatever they can to get you to say, do something that they can then twist to fit that addenda. Or just make things up as long as there is a tiny bit of truth somewhere in there it didn’t matter if it was fabricated or not if you don’t fit.

      Yes I agree the system is bias against the victims.

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