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    • #13945

      But past few days i just miss him so much, i keep telling myself this is the person that could never respect me, hurt me beyond beleif, yet i miss him . i dont understanad why i am feeling like this, i know my life is better without him, he is just a negative vibe which kills my spirit yet i miss him , im sure if i saw him he’d prob tell me to f off which would be a quick wake up call why im not with him

    • #13953

      You miss the good parts. That’s how they kept us hooked in. That was not the real him. It will pass x do something nice for yourself. Good riddance to bad rubbish x

    • #13954

      Hi Confused,

      Tomorrow you will feel differently.

      I get blips like that, when I am yearning for it to have all been a bad dream. I want the nice times to have been real. But then I think of all the awful things he did, and I come back down to earth with a bump.

      You are a lovely lady, and you have good things ahead of you X

    • #13967

      Remember all what he did to you, all the horrible times. Then feel content that he is gone. xxxx

    • #13979
      Falling Skys

      Hi Confused

      I am in the same position. I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye, he put on weight, looked disheveled, and I wanted to comfort he.

      I then thought he wouldn’t give a dam, about the ulcer he’s caused me, the injuries from the kitchen and shed incidents.

      We just need time to get over the bond.

      FS xx

    • #14053

      Hi ladies

      thx u for support, yes thats all im doing thinking of the horrible things he did and mentally telling myself to keep away, i feel sick when i think of what elsse he wanted to do to cause me pain, tommrow will be two ywars since he tried to kill me, i think maybe i brain is trying to tell me something , ive joined a new group to build my confidence again, is a d v group, i think maybe that has set of emotions in me about how much i went through, its weird after beating me up hed always want hugs and id hate the hugs after , but its the hugs i’mmissing, i remember when i left about three months after we slept together, i got my closure that night as everything felt wrong, even his hugs, so god know why im missing him

    • #14282

      I miss my ex. Isn’t it funny how our brains default to all the good times with exs and not the bad times.

      I should hate him….but I don’t. Yet he hates me! The irony.

    • #14287
      Twisted Sister

      Dear confused123

      above all this you are human. Its [sadly] not possible to simply cut off our emotions. Setting aside all the horrific times suffered at his hands, this was someone you loved and he had his abusive way of keeping you needing him, especially because he was so abusive.

      These are not separate things but i know i struggled with this part as its so conflicting to feel both ways, and yet true anyway.

      It does pass, and its part of the grieving of the relationship that is now gone.

      warmest wishes to you KS xx

    • #14312


      i dont know, i’ve had my wake up call again, heard him chatting to my eldest on phone, was so typical rude and he was just chatting to my son, being his demanding self telling my son to answer him, then telling him how all three of us can p*ss of and he wants the kids to have no contact with there cousins on his side, was reeally heart breaking to hear how he was putting my son down and emotionally upsetting him, i was saying to my son just end the call but he was like no not putting phone down, then as always crying to my son after about how he doesnt deserve his time and love and has no one to chat too, gosh i just thought this is what i was missing, keep away ladies and stay ons safe side

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