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    • #154003

      I’m getting triggered at work, leaving workplaces due to domestic violence issues and need more safety in workplaces than an average person.

      I have tried-

      1.Not speaking about it at all
      2 Speaking to security guards
      3. Speaking to managers.

      Seems difficult to maintain work in aftermath of all of this and this is causing money problems.

      I have no issues getting work just getting triggered at work over varying issues.

      Any thoughts?

    • #154042

      Yea this is a hard one. Have you spoken to your doctor about these feelings, a short course of anti depressants may help you balance things out a bit more. Or speaking with a psychologist. It’s finding techniques and putting them in place when someone triggers a response like you had living in abuse. Once we recognise the signs we can’t not see these people. Some people take it as a personal mission to educate their colleagues as to who they are working, but that just only goes to make you out to be the unstable one, perfectly fitting in with the toxic persons agenda. Try not being alone with people who trigger you, or say out loudly is like you to lane now so I can get on with my work. Boundaries in the work place are slightly easier to set as you don’t live with that person but can still be a minefield. Just knowing someone is toxic is enough to protect you, you don’t have to always call them out.
      Best of luck
      IWMB 💞 💞

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