Feeling annoyed at my mum who said earlier “looking back at your relationship you were vulnerable and a bit of a pushover”. Yeah thanks mum. I said “oh so it’s my fault?!” I told her anyone can be vulnerable to these men and they chip away at your confidence. Just feel it wasn’t a helpful thing to say.
Hi Hopesprings. No its not helpful is it! My dad told me I was ‘gullible’….thanks Dad! A kinder way to put it would be that we were too tolerant and caring and that maybe we need to learn from our past experiences 🙂 🙂
I refrained from pointing out to my dad that one of the reasons I ended up with a controlling man is because I had be raised by a controlling man….
It wasn’t helpful and it is never a woman’s fault they are abused. I have a friend who also suffered dv. I was shocked when she told me she had too. She’s strong, independent and professional. He completely chipped away at her.
I know my mum didn’t mean it the way it sounded to me but it really upset me. It’s probably part of the reason it took me so long to be honest with her about what was going on.