Hey, I have joined social groups with no luck in friends. I find some but then they move on. I have life after abuse where I have had issues with housing having to move and move again. I used up money doing social groups with no luck. Any ideas on this – lower cost?
I’ve found some lovely friends in mental health groups. They have funding for activities like art, music and walking. I’ve received free paint brushes!
I’ve been to both NHS groups and ones run by charities. I didn’t need a formal diagnosis or referral but I do have mental health issues. I think I was so busy surviving I didn’t realise how poorly I was.
Ok – I tried a number of groups – some better than others. I’m trying something else now that is similar. Again I’m moving (for other reason). Things may change there. I have had acquaintances only for some time.
Have you tried church groups? Or if you have children, some family groups and then inviting someone for coffee after the next time? Volunteering at things can open up friendship opportunities.