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    • #16683
      Standing tall

      What do people think about group meetings? I was thinking about starting one up. Just somewhere for us women to get together and talk. Would anyone go to one?

    • #16692

      Some of the women were recently talking about setting up group meetings, i cannot remember the user name of the person who suggested it. If you contact Serentity she might know as I think she was part of the conversation.

    • #16693
      Falling Skys

      I would if in the evenings or weekends. But that’s when most people can’t make them. Also I live in an area which travelling any great distance is an issue.

      FS xx

    • #16697

      Hi Standing Tall,

      I used to attend a support group / drop-in run by the DV outreach, which I found very supportive.

      When the outreach workers were recently made redundant, I asked if we could continue to meet in the building ( a family centre) on our own, without the DV outreach.

      It is great. It is a lovely, safe building and coffee is on tap!

      The original ladies have continued to come to the group, which runs every two weeks.

      I have recently informed the new DV outreach team about our group, and last week two of the new DV outreach workers came along. It was good to let them know, as they can offer us advice and can also direct other women to our group too.

    • #16699


      We give each other advice about abuse, listen but also have a lovely natter at our group! It is a godsend to me.

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