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    • #152032

      A week it’s been now since, and everyday I have struggled. Due now to a Suicide! Someone close enough to affect me, leave me affected. This is something else! On top of everything. It feels like another form of abuse. So here I am, Im back here again, after taking time away from here. Recalling the advice given here so often to survive abuse… stay strong and surround yourself with support outside of here if possible? I have tried and will continue to try and never give up I know that Life is precious! But for some it seems not to be. But it is! Though Sadly, Life for many can be unfairly difficult and be a struggle due to others behaviour and how selfish some people’s actions are! They don’t think of how others will suffer due to their actions.
      As for me, I’m seeking bereavement support now that’s all I can do to deal with this extra burden. My message to anyone else who has gone through this or is going through this or will ever go through this??? I feel your pain.

    • #152047
      Twisted Sister

      Hello Hazydayz

      I am very sorry for your shock and loss. Just wanted to extend a warm hug for your further sadness around this suicide, and to let you know we’re here for you.

      Good advice, you are looking after yourself and seeking further counselling appropriate to your current new feelings. I wish you every success in your onward journey. Keep strong love.

      warmest wishes


      • #152304

        Hello Twisted Sister, thankyou for your kind and thoughtful reply. It’s a comfort to me.
        I hope your doing ok.
        Warm hug to you too

    • #152212

      I too did the same thing – bad couple of days and I’ve come back here for support.

      It’s hard to find places online and it took a while to find this place – glad you found support on your bad day and reached out.

      • #152305

        Thanks for your reply Stronglife. Hope your having better days. I’m glad you have found this place and some support here, when you really need to feel it.
        Stay strong and take care of yourself.

    • #152306

      Hello hazydayz,
      My goodness I am so so sorry for your loss sending you so much love and hugs.
      Suicide is just such a harsh thing to get your head round and you are certainly doing the right thing by coming here and getting support outside you cant cope with this alone.
      I have no words really apart from just know here you are not alone.
      Thinking of you xxxx

      • #152311

        Hello nbumblebee
        Thankyou for your message, your kindness, love and warm hugs. Hope your doing ok.
        Me? I’m going from frozen in shock to thawing into bisbelief and acceptance. The tears have slowed but the pool I stand in is everything.

    • #153250

      I know there is in person suicide support groups, I have heard of them. Maybe try in your area – I remember from a friend years ago who lost someone to suicide.

      • #154492

        Thankyou Stronglife, I haven’t heard of any support groups locally? Counselling isn’t changing anything. I guess it’s about finding the answers within? when there are no answers to the question…why? Or just moving on with time. Hope your ok.

    • #153260

      Big hugs Hazydayz ❤️ I am so sorry for the shock and loss you are feeling … so good you are looking after yourself and going to have bereavement counselling xx

      • #154493

        Big hug back Hereforhelp❤️ thankyou for messaging me. I’m over the shock somewhat. The breavement councelling isn’t all it’s made out to be. They can’t answer the questions I want to ask him. (detail removed by Moderator) was his (detail removed by Moderator) birthday, that hurts. Another reason to ask why? I’m doing my best to look after myself and everyone affected. I hope your looking after you too xx

    • #154506

      So sorry you have had this shock on top of everything else @Hazydayz. I hope it will be ok to post this information here, I’m sure the Moderator will say if not, but please check out this site, it might be of some help.

      Email – write to email.support@uksobs.org
      Support Line – 0300 111 5065 Monday & Tuesday 9am – 5pm

      • #154926

        Hello Darkness all-around. Thankyou so much for your message and your kindness. I will go look at that site. Thanks again

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