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    • #14380

      He can’t believe it’s got to this. I’ll never know how much he loves me and probably still does…and it’s not right us not communicating we should at least be friends…

      I thought we’ll laughed as if ok what’s the motive this time….X

    • #14382

      Expect them to get nasty. Please block him and don’t read his rubbish. Will save you a lot of pain x these abusers know out innermost weakensses because we trusted them and told them. He will use his knowledge to hurt you x

      • #14385

        Yes I’ve blocked him now kip. U see in the past for years it’s been the same predictable me but I’m just worried that now I want nothing to do with him and he realises just what he will do next funny he never mentioned his son x

    • #14420

      hi hun

      these men are really not worth wasting our energy on, just ignore him and his cr*p lines and block him

      • #14426

        Hi confused123 did u get these kind of lines…X

    • #14440

      I got these lines betterdays it’s all to make you think you’ve over reacted.

    • #14459
      White Rose

      We all get similar things -things said to reel us back in, things twisted round so what he said or did you end up believing it was you.
      It’s all tactics to weaken our resolve. I’ve got a memory stick and a file both devoted to evidence of his lies and abuse over the time leading up to me leaving and since then. Womens aid and The police told me to collect it in case I needed it for legal process anytime. What that shows me is how he’s forgotten the lies he told initially as he’s changed his story. Now I’m having to contact him about a particular issue I’m getting great pleasure from sending back emails and saying things like : “back in month “x” you said this (cut and paste entire email) now you say…. I’m confused.” And cc it to the legal team he’s slowly but surely cutting down on the c*** and lies.
      No contact really makes a difference and will strengthen you even more.

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