Thank goodness your son has you, is all I can say to that.
My son has a speech problems related to other ongoing issues and sometimes people, including his dad, find it hard to understand him when he speaks. I remember once fairly recently our son was trying to tell his dad something and his dad didn’t understand. I struggled myself too but before I had chance to help our son, his dad boomed at him aggressively “I cant understand you, speak properly!”
Completely shattered our sons confidence and he burst into tears. (detail removed by Moderator) I told him never to speak to him like that again. But of course…..I’m not always there and so cant monitor things. So, I sympathise with you greatly. I agree with Lover of no contact… good adult is all that’s needed. I am hoping that I can help our son through the difficult times and undo that damage his father consistently brings into his life on access days. xx