Hey I decided to join the forum as essentially I’m looking for support and am looking to help people too. I have been in two precarious relationships now. I have to be honest the first one left me and I don’t think I’d have managed to break the trauma bond off my own back. I had (detail removed by Moderator) years of being along and the I met ‘ the one’ well for a few years anyway! Argh he has proceeded to try to ruin my relationship with both my daughters 😒 but he didn’t quite manage! I’m glad to say. So two very different abusers. The first was your typical wow is me eyeore from winning the poo character. This one is the nice guy when he’s sober! I mean lovely 😍 then he’s out with the boys and he’s on the come down. He is absolutely hellish to be around. Raging for hours at times. I don’t know where to stop! All I know is I can’t break this bond I’ve tried twice now and I just feel like I’m going crazy then I hear from him and I’m completely passified. My friends think I’m crazy and just can’t grasp it. Oh I’m so sick of myself I really am. Now I sound like Eyeore !!!
Anyway if I can help 🙂 I’m here even although I’m a massive disaster xx p
Love baby face