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    • #16216

      Can anyone tell me how I can access counselling or self esteem groups. I’ve done the freedom programme and that’s all SS keep wanting me to go on. I know how the dynamics of abusive relationships work, I want something to help me clear my head and get myself back to how I was. The SW suggested I ask my GP. Any suggestions?

    • #16220

      Hi Deepblueeyes

      I wouldn’t start with the GP. I would ask the facilitators of the Freedom Programme if they do any one to one DV/DA counselling or if they can refer you or signpost you to somewhere that does. Or contact your local DV/DA organisation.

      Just a side note you will never be able to go back exactly the way you were but you will be better.

    • #16222

      Thanks I will do that. Even vaguely back to the old me would be good. It can only make me stronger I guess. Thanks.

    • #16236

      You can ask your GP. Some GP are useless and will never refer you. But some do. It is worth trying this route too. The Women and Girl’s Network offer counselling and the Women Trust offers educational events, if you live in their area. I live too far away from them but I check them out regularly. maybe one day there is one for me as well.
      If you are interested in feminism, there are many groups. Many women turn to feminism after abuse because they experience the disgusting patriarchy all around.

    • #16254

      Hi Deepblueyes, when i first split from my mentally abusive ex, i had some counselling with Relate. It served a purpose when I was desperate but they are not really knowledgeable about all aspects of domestic abuse and I ended up paying out quite a lot for basic general advice. This forum has been my complete saviour, together with the passing of time and self help books. I’m sure as the other women are saying there are other counselors more specialized in abuse issues. X

    • #16287

      Hi go to your gp and ask if u can be refered for counselling, u can google up d v agencies who can guide u to counsellors, d v agencies may even be able to allocate u a support worker and make u aware of courses u can go on to recover from abusive realtionship, i found reading books on abuse helped me loads

    • #16364

      Hi confused I will try that thanks. I’ve got a few books and they do help I’ve read them a few times. I think I need to talk about it, say out loud to someone what he put me through and help me understand why I tolerated it. I think if I let out all the bad things he did I might be able to move on and try and forget.

    • #16368

      Do contact your local DV place as they can help. Mine is assigning me a case worker and I’m going to a peer support group too. If they don’t understand DV then it can actually be unhelpful imo.

      Also call WA, I call them quite often, just to talk things through and like you I find saying it out loud does help.

    • #16369

      Oh and I also found victim support helpful, they’ve actioned a lot of help and support for me

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