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    • #142767

      I’m soo fed up of him. He’s out every night after work once showered and changed. Comes home with hairs that arnt mine (detail removed by moderator). Comes in early hours of the morning.
      I’ve confronted him about it, he denies it and tells me (detail removed by moderator). I told him (detail removed by moderator).
      He laughs in my face and says (detail removed by moderator). I have totally shut off from him and only talk to him when necessary but (detail removed by moderator), he got the better of me and I text him how I felt and that I dont love him anymore. He won’t let me go. He’s got his cake and is eating it!
      I just can’t find the strength to leave! I’m angry with myself for letting him do this to me!!

    • #142770

      it’s so hard to let go, I know. He keeps reeling you back in. It’s so hard to find the strength, but you will. Start thinking of little things that will help you prepare to leave, options as to where you could go, getting a bag ready in case you need it in a hurry, having some money aside if possible.

      You absolutely don’t deserve that. Be kind to yourself, you can do it, you will do it. You’ll find the right time x*x

    • #142778

      I’m so sorry I’ve had my face laughted at many times when I’m angry they enjoy it and he’s ignoring your emotions.not sure who’s house you live in but I told mine to end it they never do you have to find a way they won’t believe you sending strength

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