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    • #15267

      After everything. He’s text me off some number I don’t recognize. Saying I am a good mum and then asking me to text back. After everything he’s put me threw! Ok so he’s not begging forgiveness or sucking up and it mite look like an innocent text but it’s not… This is where it starts! This proves the cycle.

    • #15269

      Indeed, and my husband has done the same, only to treat me the same subtle ways as ever…
      It is never ending.

      • #15274

        There’s no need for him to contact me at all. He won’t ever change- he’s bored and thinks he can real me back in

    • #15272

      I can’t believe how much he’s gone out of his way!! Everything that needs saying has been said between him and my dad. This can’t be an innocent thing

    • #15276

      It’s not an innocent thing. It never is.

      The arrogant man thought you would always beg him to return. He can’t believe that you aren’t doing this, and his ego can’t take it.

      He needs to hoover you up again, so he can restart the cycle of abuse. He is furious that you have had the last word. X

    • #15288
      Escaped not free

      It’s never innocent…please believe me!
      Block the new number. Your right it’s a cycle. Years I spent in it. Don’t do the same. Block, block, block.
      Sending u strength. Xxxx

    • #15289

      I’m not replying! I sent a screen shot of the messege to my parents who instantly replied both pleading with me not to reply. I blocked his family when they messeged me too H.A… I guess you have to think about how important it was for them to contact you anyway… Was it life or death? I doubt it, so there’s no need. There’s no need for him to talk to me at all. This time last week he was calling me evil, saying I was crazy and I’d destroyed his life… Actually he’s done that to me- he’s evil! I have stayed away from him. I’ve deleted social media,blocked his numbers and deleted my email account. It’s been a week since I spoke to him and that’s the longest I’ve gone since last year.

    • #15299

      Block him on this no too

    • #15321

      I blocked him and then he uses an Internet text device to send me a msg… There is really no need for him to do this. He sends my stress and anxiety levels threw the roof

    • #15327

      its to get reaction, if he finds a new way to contact u block him on that too, play him at his game, do not contact him or respond, rememember how he messes your head then walks away anyway

    • #15332

      Thank you. Than a for all your replies. The temptation to speak to him is always really high

    • #15336

      Starmoon, something I read on a post has stuck with me. Abusers only want to get close enough to slap us. Please remember that. He will stomp on your heart the first chance he gets. You are doing so well. Consider changing your mobile number too. He will try all sorts of tactics but if you contact him I guarantee you will be left feeling worthless and he will walk away with a big smug grin on his face❤️

      • #15365

        Great advice kip no contact is a killer but has to be done my hearts breaking x

    • #15339

      Thanks kip. That’s rite and it’s why I won’t be contacting him. I may well be reading too much into the msg… It’s nothing like he used to be in the past. In the past he’d say sorry and bombard me with calls and texts which would make me feel so awful and I’d believe him in a way… Although I was still scared to ask any change from him. This time it’s just a few text and he’s just clarifying that he knows I’m a good mum and isn’t trying to have the children taken away. Maybe that’s all he’s doing. I don’t think he had any need to say it to me as he’d already said it to my dad.

    • #15406

      H.a we really do have to be strong. In some warped sense I was glad to have gotten the msg from him. Usually by now he would’ve sent lots of messeges wanting me back… I think the horror is the world outside the bubble I’ve been living in. Yes the bubble was hell and it’s made me a shell of a person… But that’s just it. I’m so scared to start again. I was so used to that cycle that it became normal and how pathetic of me to take comfort in something that’s nearly killed me both mentally and physically. I don’t know who I am any more. I’m not old but I’m not a teenager anymore either. I’ve waisted all those years… They were all for nothing now. At least while I was still in it and still fighting- it felt like it was for something like I mite get my happily ever after. Now I have to face the world alone. I don’t feel like I can anymore because I’ve been his puppet for too long

    • #15421
      White Rose

      Well done star moon. That’s fighting talk – keep strong.
      Remember he’ll probably follow the pattern many of them do start with a low key nice sort of message, then there’ll be more, then they’ll turn nasty and each time you’ll be tempted to rise to the bait. Don’t. Keep no contact and be proud of yourself. If in doubt post here or ask parents – you know what we’ll all say – don’t reply!

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