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    • #19649

      to watch your children become copies of your husband…same mannerism, same mockery, same way of shutting me up, same expressions, same words, same behaviour…nasty, disrespectful.
      Horrendous feeling.

    • #19650

      Hi Bridget, i know that Serenity for having this recently with her eldest son, you find find it helpful to look at some of her recent posts. X*X

    • #19660

      Hi Bridget,

      I have messaged you.

      The greatest service you can do for your kids and your self is to let them dos over their own truth.

      We are so worried to protect them, but it backfires. At your kids’ ages, they need to be baptised by fire. To not be protected by you- to experience it alone, or else you will
      Be blamed.

    • #19674

      Dear Bridget, I send you big hugs of solidarity. I can only imagine how you feel. I want you to know that I think of you. x*x

    • #19680

      I have a young teenager and a (age removed by moderator) year old. My relationship with my eldest has always been difficult because he can often talk to me like his dad. My brother says he has learnt lack of respect for me and his behaviour from his father. My younger child is now starting similar behaviours. I don’t blame them in a way as they learn what they live but I am disappointed in myself for staying so long that it has potentially damaged their future relationships when they consider that what they experience here is normal.

    • #19723

      HI Hun

      Sadly they do learn from there role models of how they have seen us treated, we have to constantly correct there thinking and part of that is by leaving our abusers, i left my partner and my son has mirrored his behaviour,the only thing that goes in my favour is that i have left ex and put message across i do not tolerate that behaviour, but as most of u know who know me it is still a constant struggle, please continue to have a strong network to support u , its what keeps me sane

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