She’s still in my life and always will be, but even though I’m now in my mid-twenties, my own home, my own children, she’s still emotionally abusive and deliverately singles me out and will even call me just to yell at me over the phone.
do you have brothers and sisters that are treated better? theres a phenomenon in some families that there is the golden child, the appeaser and the scape goat it sounds like she has made you the later. there are lots of good you tube videos on this subject xxxx love diymum
‘Will I ever be good enough: Healing the daughter’s of narcissitic mothers’ by Karyl Mcbride helped me – helped me to recognise the patterns in her behaviour and how this impacted on me growing up and now, gave me the know how regarding how to deal with her and the self permission to do this x
She won’t change. You need to work on limiting contact. Don’t answer the phone to her and move your whole life in the opposite direction from her. I tried talking to my mum about her behaviour. Impossible. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean you have to put up with this behaviour. Cut ties that bind you so you don’t need her for anything. They like to keep us beholden, for me it was a loan she gave me when my ex was arrested. I would never throw that in someone’s face. We had an arrangement to repay and she doesn’t need the money. That didn’t stop her from bringing it up when I wouldn’t agree with doing something unrelated for her.