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    • #7632

      you can get legal aid. Does being in a women’s refuge automatically entitle you to receive legal aid?

      Thank you for your replies

    • #7643

      I haven’t been in refuge, but I had legal aid through a solicitor. I had to fill in a means tested application form with her and provide evidence of criminal proceedings (so an email from the Police Officer to the solicitor giving my ex’s details, crime number and bail conditions).

      Hope this helps.

    • #7645
      White Rose

      Try helpline? Or citizens advice. Solicitor definitely will know!
      Or one of the women in refuge may help too.
      Sorry can’t help further.
      So glad you’re safe xxxx

    • #7651

      I got legal aid because I had got an injunction against him. I don’t know about the refuge – I would call the NCDV and ask them.

      Big hugs, Bridget X

    • #7652
      Falling Skys

      If the police have pressed charges on him for something he has done to you yes.

    • #7656
      Twisted Sister

      hope you are ok and feeling supported in Refuge. personally, i wouldn’t say it guarantees anything, because not only is legal aid dependent upon evidence of DV (which Refuge worker could provide), but also financials, and i’ve still had to provide police evidence, etc. for things despite being in Refuge.

      Best advice would be to ask your keyworker i think? good luck with everything

    • #7716

      Hey Hun

      Well done for getting out , hope u feeling ok , not to
      Sure but I know the support worker there at refugee give u loads of support ask them they can guide u , stay strong and keep posting

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