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    • #167291

      Again, this time he has got help, he has depression and is now on antidepressants.

    • #167321

      Also seeing a therapist.

      • #167333
        Main Moderator

        Hi Sweet4,

        Thank you for your post. its good that he is getting that support but your safety is really important- there is no justfication for domestic abuse and often accessing support can form part of a pattern- and the cycle of abusive behaviour continues.

        If you aren’t already I would encourage you to link in with your local domestic abuse service. they can provide you with ongoing support around what is happening and assess your safety if needed.

        Take care and keep posting


    • #167339

      Hi Lisa, he is on anti depressents and is getting a therapist, so i will stand bye him.

    • #168274

      Hey sweet4,

      Just be careful. I think everyone has done this, possibly even more than once. I did it (detail removed by Moderator) times. Supported them. Held them when they cried … went with them for support. It never lasted long before things went bad. I would justify their behaviour saying things like “it’s not them, they are just depressed etc …”. I totally understand this feeling but be kind to yourself and set some boundaries. Any red flags and get out.

      Your safety is paramount.
      Being depressed is never a justification for abuse.
      Lastly, don’t let anyone judge you. We know why we go back and unless you’ve been in this situation it’s really easy for people to say “I don’t get what you see in them” etc…

      Have you looked into trauma bonding? I’m realising that in my situation I had a trauma bond. It’s a really hard thing to accept but have a read.

      Love yourself. This is a scary road. Trapped with them, trapped without them. It is very rare that an abuser changes but I hope in your case this is wrong and that you are all very happy.
      Remember, none of this is your fault.

      You deserve love.
      People want to support you.
      Try not to isolate anyone.
      Take care and stay safe x*x

    • #171422

      Well well you were all right, i believed in him,, i really thought , he would change,they cant, reading your posts, stuck in my head, so at least i tried, 4 decades, i put up, with so so much, thank you all.

    • #171423

      I’m thinking of giving my relationship another chance.  Everything has been quiet.  No dramas , being kind etc . I don’t think my relationship issues are anything like yours . I wish you luck in finding freedom 🙏.  Good luck with everything 🙏 ❤️ 💜.

    • #171424

      Sorry for the intrusion @sweet4 .

    • #171462

      I have too been over this cycle many of times. He got help Been on/off anti depressants and seen a therapist. Endless crying to me but all in all No change. Further manipulation from his therapy.

      I’m out now (detail removed by Moderator) months. Really really hard but it was the right decision.

    • #171466

      I was going to post then read your update. Unfortunately this is what I was told repeatedly, he would be so vulnerable and I’d feel like I’d have to protect him. Give it a few weeks/months he’d be complete opposite. This is a cycle that I hope you’ll break. No you won’t get those years back but don’t waste the years you have left to enjoy life once and for all.

    • #171495

      I left and went to a refuge no planning at all, just completely numb and went.

      I went back and now it’s worse. I will be leaving again and I will not be returning.

      look after yourself in the mean time and don’t be disheartened if things change, for long, anyways.

    • #171502

      Hi gonna try couples therapy,, its 4 decades,,, and you become a part of one another…

    • #171568

      hi sweet4, I to have tried couples therapy and supporting my husband with individual therapy, my experience is the same as others are saying they don’t change, and they don’t follow the advice to control their behaviours even if they do say you mean the world to them and they will get help. My abuser doesn’t stick to appointments or stick to advice and then he has his outbursts towards me just as bad as they always have been. I have been supportive and tried to get through varied therapies etc  with my husband it’s been years and nothing has changed him.

          I hope you will take your time to evaluate things and really think on what is changing or if it isn’t and get advice to leave if not. I am very newly leaving my abuser I know its hard when you feel that loyalty and love for them still. I am really struggling with my feelings  but i am also doing the online freedom program it is really helping me realise some things and maybe speak to the advice line or chat on here too.  

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