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    • #16686

      I went to buy …in a particular place and was asked by an old lady if I could keep her trolley while she went to order a drink and some food in the tea room. She was very frail but extremely polite and smiley.
      I had just been put through more abuse by my…and I was left alone so I was glad to offer this old lady to sit with me under the only parasol available. We started chatting and we spoke about very personal things like my stay at the refuge and her husband’s alcoholism. She told me she had been severely sexually abused by a member of her family and was left traumatized for life.
      I felt like someone was trying to give me a sign from above, because this old lady was expressing so many truths, and tried non aggressively to get me to think about my worth.
      We got on so well she gave me her address and phone number and asked me to visit her so she could give some books on co dependency and self esteem. She has been going to an Alanon meeting for quite some time now, and I recently read about this organisation in a book recommended by a counsellor.
      We spoke about living in a chaotic environment and the lack of emotional support in a family where there are alcoholic parents, as in my family. I was subjected to such an environment since my early childhood and my mum was affected by this disease first, and it then became my dad’s turn. My brother suffers the same too.
      I will go and visit this (removed by moderator) year old lady, she is so wise and kind. I met today someone who spoke the right “language” to me. Everyone I speak to tells me to get out of this marriage…

      I am pleased to have met her today.

      And (removed by moderator)  I had a wonderful magic time singing at my friend’s house, we listened to a CD with lots of songs from our country of origin and we felt great. I had cuddles from her cat and I helped my friend wash her hair. She has mobility issues.
      I also offered to help her by coming with her to the doctor’s to get her registered for help since her major falls which caused her mobility issues, she needs to receive home help and disability allowance. I worry about her, she cannot carry on working the way she does, she is killing herself and because she is not very educated, she doesn’t understand what she can be eligible for nor how to claim for help.

      I make it my personal goal to try to improve her life, she deserves help. She kept saying thank you for washing her hair and cooking for her and taking away her recycling and general rubbish.

      It gives you a wonderful feeling to help people in a practical and personal way. I don’t want her to feel alone and ignored. She keeps saying she doesn’t want to ask her two adult children to help her because she won’t need to say thank you…how sad is that…?

      But tonight she will sleep happy to have sang, to have laughed, eaten well and to have had Bridget Jones picking her up from work and to have had a lovely evening!

    • #16688
      Falling Skys


      What a wonderful time at what a wonderful person you are. Remember this day on darker ones.

      I had a lovely day yesterday with my mother, she is poorly again so I did her shopping and we spent time day reminiscing and looking at photos I have talk recently.

      FS xx

    • #16694

      Dear Bridget, i’m glad you had such a positive day. That was so fortunate to meet the old lady by chance, i often think things like this happen when you need them to but don’t expect it. I have a feeling something life changing (maybe gradually) may come from your meeting with the old lady. You will visit her house, get the books, chat some more, and maybe have some more insight into your own situation and more vision. Hopefully you will become friends. This, and the other positivity you are putting out into the universe i feel would come around and help you out of your current feelings of being trapped in your relationship. I do hope it all works out for you. X*X

      My positive day is that I am just watching a gardening programme, I have seen some lovely striking flowers that I am gong to buy for my front garden, i plan to give it a cottage garden theme, the flowers are deep blue, red and mauve. X*X

    • #16720

      This is a great post! Imagine what this old lady went through. In her time there was no help available and no one to talk to. She was probably blamed for what happened to her. I am amazed about the resilience of people. So many old people were abused and yet they carried on and led successful lives. This lady is a true hero.
      I hope you can arrange the help for your friend that she needs.
      You are a wonderful person. x*x

    • #17364

      I have rang the lovely old lady. We are meeting soon at her house. It will be very interesting to visit her. We have so much in common. And I find that older people have such wisdom and so many stories to tell you…
      I can’t wait.

    • #17454

      You will feel stronger when you talk to her. It seems she is the friend that you need right now. xx

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