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    • #171369

      Hi just after some advice I have been going thru a really hard time with my partner he always calls me names like s**g and unfit mother I am a moron, stupid an idiot I don’t understand or listen! For years I have been doing al the house work on my own I do the washing cleaning I work full time aswell I see to the kids on my own take them places! (detail removed by moderator) He always says I am chasing another women’s husband in his face and brown nosing my manager!! Im a s**g a waste of space he tells my daughter daughter not to end up like me!! He can be very aggressive verbally towards my son (detail removed by moderator) and he’s a child but he’s always telling him no and the way he speaks to him sometimes makes me shout at him cos I don’t like it!! I just need advice on what to do

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