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    • #6782

      I really need some help/advice and a hug. I’ve been told today by ss that our (detail removed by Moderator) isn’t working as my daughter showed Sw bruises that I had last month. They said they are not looking to remove her but o need to make decisions to leave. (Detail removed by Moderator) I just don’t know what to do- part of me thinks this is our chance to get away as we have been offered a new life if we want to start again far away or do I stay local.
      Or he may leave ?
      I think the only reason I am still alive is because of child protection as he is now so much slower in his actions and calmer almost sinister though.
      He has been better although not brilliant but I’ve told ss all is ok as he promised once they have gone he will be ok.
      I think he is going to blow up when he hears that we have to attend (detail removed by Moderator) so may not even be safe when that happens.
      Sorry for going on but I’m still so emotionless about everything and need to make the right decisions.
      We were ticking along ok not brilliant but I was surviving xx

    • #6784

      Hi Moon
      Not only do you need to be safe but so does your daughter and you both living in those conditions is not good. Even if he is calmer now that doesnt mean he will be forever.
      Eveyone told me to think of my kids (they arent his) and I was torn because I loved him and I loved my children. However for the (detail removed by Moderator) decades we were together I put him first so to turn that around is the hardest thing to do. In the end I left but I felt like it was for everyone else and not myself but I know unitl I have gone though this awful feeling and let him go emotionally I will stay in limbo for awhile. I left about (detail removed by Moderator) months ago and havnt had any contact at all that hurts to however he does have another woman and looks very happy.

      I stayed in the same area but I think that was where I was from and he should leave but I know he wont well not yet anyway. It is hard living in the same area for me as I dont do the things I used to do for fear of seeing him not because Im scared of him but because I miss him so much and I dont want to break in front of him as that would give him ultimate power over me and my god he would gloat even though I havnt done anything wrong.

      Please please stay safe and remember you are your daughter are very important and dont need a man like that around. Sending you a massive HUG xx

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