I walked to the shop last night five minutes away right b4 closing so it was dark and the streets were deserted. I thought I might have a heart attack and had to stop a couple of times resisting the urge to turn back. My friend came with me calming me down as I was walking, but I did it the first time in quite possibly a year or two, I have not been out this year I don’t think at all. I had been caught on the hop by my teen who needed money today and I had none in the house. So I went and got him some.
I am thrilled and over the moon for you, well done, that is wonderful news, a big hug and well done from a fellow sufferer, I could jump up and down with joy for you, I know how hard it must have been xxxxxxx
Thank you ladies , I was kinda forced into it to be honest because I did not want to let my younger son down and I did not have enough to pay “him” to go for me. Although it was very liberating in some ways even if I did struggle xx