How I were with an evil twisted monster for nearly 2 decades. I just will never get my head around it. A big part of me is still in disbelief. I’m still very edgy still and nervy and I’m heading towards a year mark being out. His son has autism and I’m so angered inside how he will only show willing if I keep in with him. I’d never do that I worry over my boys dayband night. We’re good people I would help anyone it’s just in my nature. I were never nervous like this before I met him. Although he said I were a head case. Scizophrenic bipolar. And every other name but if that were the case why want to get back with me??? Ha ha. X
Funny, everyone used to tell me how calm I was . My family say I used to be so much happier before I met him. He was the problem, the perpetrator. He left because I began ignoring his abuse and he got bored of not getting a reaction.