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    • #19562

      And we’re upset he never really showed any feelings. I recall couple years ago he were leaving AGAIN to go into a flat I were sat on the couch sobbing he just walked straight past me and went outside to fix his car x

    • #19570

      Mine did the same, and if during normal times I ever explained upsetting things about a situation or someone (friends, family, work etc) if I so much as added one detail I would be told ”you repeat yourself”…with such a cold tone. It is like there is no empathy none what so ever.
      He is actually interested in nothing else but his high powered job…even though he nearly died, and you know about the most recent story…He still talks about his job…his promotion, his boss telling him he has never come across someone so knowledgeable…I could not believe what I heard and witnessed yesterday…
      I do know what you feel Betterdays.

    • #19571

      they always say they’re getting a flat don’t they! Mine did in the end after police removed him from the house but he got evicted! Sofa surfer these days

    • #19574

      Mine was like that. Seemed to get off on acting cruel when I needed kindness or support.

      I can’t recall him being kind to me even once in the whole d**n marriage. I recall him being slimy and leechy and gropey and falsely charming, but kind? Gentle? Compassionate? Responsible? Protective? Principled? Self-sacrificing?

      Never. Not even once.

    • #19575


      Yes, mine sofa surfed. Too mean to pay rent anywhere.

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