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  • Author
    • #9630
      Falling Skys

      Got a letter in the post this morning it was my Decree Absolute. Can’t believe it as he put in on hold for over (detail removed by Moderator) months. Just got to sort out the money, sale the house, get another one and change my name.

      I know he will play up at times but I’m happy, big step forward.

    • #9632

      Brilliant news girl ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    • #9633


    • #9634
      Falling Skys

      Thank you Hopesprings and Serenity ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #9637

      Yay fantastic news ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    • #9639
      White Rose

      That’s so nice to hear. I’m jealous. My turn will come someday soon!!

    • #9643


    • #9646

      I am jealous too well done! All good things come to those who wait ladies x

    • #9648
      Falling Skys

      Thankyou ladies a few more hurdles but I’m getting there.

      Shame we are still at the same address but the house will sale soon ๐Ÿ˜

      Can’t wait for you to post the same thing

      FS xx

    • #9654

      Me too! I stupidly had one last year and took him back so need to get it again but this time I will cherish it x

    • #9657
      Falling Skys

      Hi Stupidgirl40,

      We have all done it, look at the time your stuck with him as time to see him for what he is.

      Its horrid being at the same address, but I am seeing him for what he is and that what he did was never on the sper of the moment. I can see why my children treat me like they do as well, I know understanding why I stay and didn’t get out (which has been the hardest to understand for me).

      Im looking that when I do get out I wont carry as much baggage of why…

      FS xx

    • #9669

      Well done hun, u doing ever so well , stay strong

    • #9679

      Yes very true less baggage and also all the wasted extra time I gave us means I am 100 % sure this time. Your gut is never wrong. He had a right go at me n kids today it’s awful being in the same house but no matter what I still feel free on the inside and that is important to me x

    • #9685
      Falling Skys

      Thank Confused123 I don’t always feel strong but with all you wonderful ladies support I’m getting there.

      Stupidgirl40 at least you will never look back and say I could have tried more.

      FS xx

    • #9689

      Thanks that’s what my friends say too. It’s nice to read all you ladies comments as I feel less insane as unless u have been through it it’s hard to understand x

    • #9691
      Falling Skys

      Stpidgirl40, I thought it was all in my head and though people can be sympathetic its impossible for them to understand the extent of the control and fear we are in. I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights, I can remember someone saying why would he do that? And I said because he can.

      Thats why this group is so important to us, we aren’t shocked at what they do or the way we react.

      FS xx

    • #9696

      Yes very true and I think unless you have been with someone who is like this you don’t believe someone can be do calculating horrible and unstable yet so lovely to others. Even my kids see it and say he believes his own lies so why won’t others. Sad but I just want us to be free of him and the others will realise with time. It’s good to come on here and not feel so alone x

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