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    • #15290

      Inside feel like giving him a piece of my mind and right but thatl mean giving in and contacting the (detail removed by Moderator) I’m sorry I’m really mad inside my oldest son is starting art psychotherapy this week all because of him when in gods name Do these monsters get paid back??? X

    • #15306

      Hi betterdays,

      I think we have all been there. I had been no contact with the ex for nearly a year but broke it a few weeks ago as I was so angry and seething at his latest spiteful cr*p directed towards our sons and I. I shouted at him down the phone telling him how we felt with a few colourful words added. He just remained calm and collected on the other end then threatened me that he would report me for being abusive.

      Talking to them is like banging your head against a brick wall. They never admit they have done anything wrong or apologise. They twist everything to be your fault. You have every right to be angry when he has affected your son. It’s so wrong the way these men walk away free after the harm they cause to us and our children. I hope karma bites them all in the end. Hang in there, it will get better XX

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