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    • #16546

      ……………Enough of this pathetic trauma bonding after i got screwed over and almost sent to the asylum over some crazy psycho, after some excellent advice i feel a little titillation is in order and i plan on getting laid on my holidays (removed by moderator) X

    • #16580

      Right on! But make sure he is free from HIV, Herpes, Cytomegalie, Epstein Barr, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea … x*x

    • #16581
      Escaped not free

      Good for you!!!!
      So you should!!!!
      Enjoy!:-) x*x

    • #16603

      have fun on your holiday but remember to stay safe

    • #16611

      The title of your post cracked me up.

      Enjoy yourself!

      But remember: be wary of predators and don’t out yourself at risk.


    • #16624

      That made me smile, remember safe sex and stay safe, have a lovely holiday x

    • #16631
      Falling Skys

      Make him wear a condom. ,😉

    • #16647

      You may get even more hurt having sex with stranger, he will only be after one thing and may leave you feeling even worse, you won’t know him or what he may do to you, it may sound like a good idea, but think really carefully, many many men cannot be trusted x

    • #16649

      Thanks for your feedback ladies, i might not go the full monty, but I am going to leave myself open to at least flirting on holiday if i see someone i like. I have been 100% committed to one person for over two years and the thought of even flirting with anybody else is alien to me. But due to awful yearning and trauma bonding, yearning and missing an abusive man, I think it will do me good to realize in fact he is only one of trillions of men on this planet. X*X

      • #18213

        Hey good for you! Do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Sounds like you were open to a brief holiday romance with no attachment, and it worked a little magic for you. You have one life, it’s yours to live. Take very good care of you S xx

    • #16675

      Good on you

    • #16836

      I’m going to go along the lines of Godschild’s post.

      Most DV/DA organisations recommend waiting 2 years before getting involved in another relationship.

      I think that I don’t want another relationship so I interpret that as two-years before getting romantically, emotionally, or sexually entangled with someone again.

      I got as far as 20months before dating several men. I am now out over 2years and so far I have been ok with the dating.

      I get regular checkups at the GUM clinic (condoms aren’t 100%) and have a Mirena/IUS/coil

      I am just saying be cautious because the short time that you have been out usually means that you are still emotionally frail. Wouldn’t want you to do something with someone that you would later regret and beat yourself up over.

    • #16838

      Thank you all so much for your feedback, i’m going to put the getting laid on hold, my emotions are all over the place at the moment so it was probably an off the cuff remark. X

    • #18141

      Well I, ve had a little dalliance on holiday ☺ during which time I felt attractive, desirable, & wanted. My ex succeeded in making me feel small, worthless, mentally screwed up & ugly. I won’t see this person again but it has made me feel like a normal woman not some oddity. X

      • #18180

        Hi Healthyarchive, Glad you enjoyed your holiday and your flirtation. Hopefully it has shown you that not every man is like your ex and that further down the line when you are ready you may have a healthy relationship with someone else. xx

    • #18143
      Falling Skys


      Glad you had a fun time on holiday.

      I think its good to know that you are able to have an intimate relationship again its a hurdle we have to cross if we want to move on finding what we can or can’t deal with.

      FS xx

    • #18186


      Hope you had good holiday

    • #18220

      Glad you had a good time X

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