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    • #10045
      Falling Skys


      As many of you may know I am still in the same property as my abuser, till it sales.

      Whenever he goes out he locks me in. (I do have a key now so I can get out) But it hit me tonight when he did it is it still away of him controlling me?

      I don’t want to go out in the evening so its not an issue, but I don’t want to be controlled.

      FS xx

    • #10051

      Could be…he might be locking it in case you go to bed and forget to, but if your hit says he is doing it as a control thing, maybe he is, asserting his dominance in a covert way. After all, why not let you lock it yourself when you go to bed?
      If it were my ex doing that, I might also think he was suggesting I am incapable of locking it at night myself. A kind of ‘taking over.’


    • #10052

      I mean if your gut

    • #10057

      Hi Hun
      Mine did this to me when I stayed at his
      When you never had a key ! What would happen if there was a fire or an emergency how would you get out
      Mine has also locked his new girl in and came to visit me and boasted to me about it
      When I spoke to her she said that she never minded and she would jump out . It was a massive block of flats and no way could she have jumped if there was a fire
      Thank goodness you now have a key
      big hugs xx

    • #10059
      Jelly bean

      It does sound like he could be doing it as a way of controlling you. I say that because like savingmyself said, what would happen if there was a fire or an emergency. Does he know you have a key now? X

    • #10073
      Falling Skys

      He never stop me having a key to the front door but I was always lossing them, till I kept my handbag with me at all times….. Though he could always find them…..

      I could aways get out into the rear garden, though he put a six foot wall round it.

      More I think about it he’s trying to tell me he’s still in control of me. But I know he’s not and that’s the main thing. Thankyou ladies xx

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