Huge well done for leaving, don’t underestimate how strong you were doing that and how much energy, physically & mentally that’s taken. Yes you’ve left a bad situation but be kind to yourself as you’re also going through a break up and all the cycle of emotions that evokes. On top of that the future is unknown at this stage and you’re trying to support your kids through the change. I’m tired just writing that! No wonder you’re exhausted.
Those early days are tough, his nasty words and put downs are still very fresh and your brain will throw them at you thanks to the bond, but remind yourself of why you left. If you have a journal or anything that will help remind you that can be useful. Picture what you’d like to be doing in a year from now. Rest. It’s ok to have days where you can’t achieve a darn thing!! Write lists so it’s out of your whirling brain and can act as a tick list on the good days. You’ve got this! One step at a time x