So (detail removed by Moderator) the abuse escalated to sexual abuse. With the help of my IDVA I reported him.
He’s been arrested.
Obviously that was a shock for the children. Especially the 2 eldest. The little one is very sad, but coping better.
As for myself I’m taking one minute at a time. I feel lighter now.
I don’t know what lays ahead, but I’m ready to face it.
I take my hat off to you. What you have done is a courageous step and one that you know deep down needed to be done. I’m in a very similar situation with similar circumstances so I know exactly where you’re coming from. You’re right in taking one step at a time and you’ll get all the support you’ll need from various channels, including all of us on here. So good to hear that you feel that empowerment and ready to face what lies ahead.